My loves — the mirage of love + light healing is something that can no longer support us.

And thankfully, there is another path that is here to hold us as we heal. One that is truthful, integrous & so ancient. One we’re being called to remember.

Let me ask you, what would it be like to be the type of human, healer, leader to walk into the shadows of pain — instead of running away from them or trying to cover them with light? 

Rather than waiting for the next wave of darkness to hit, you yourself became the warrior who walks into it to face it. 

And by walking this brave conquest you actually discover more of your light.

That because you sat at the altar of all your truths — your darkness & your light, you learn how to love the root of the pain.

And because of this you begin to uncover the depths of you, remembering how to embody the purest presence of your soul.

That your chosen healing path elevates you to your highest timeline again & again.

Welcome to the age of shadow work, where Warrior of the Heart is leading the way.

Join us in our monthly group ceremonies or begin your 1:1 journey with Riona. Scroll down & learn more!


Shadow work is healing work. But, shadow work is a deeper depth of healing. Why? Because in shadow work we are going to the root of the trauma, the pain, the resistance to hold loving presence & healing space for it. We are consciously choosing to look at your shadow, no longer bypassing it. When you bypass the shadow, darkness & trauma — you allow it to stay in our body & subconscious which is actually causing you more pain. When we hold loving presence & healing space for the shadow, we uproot it & set it free.

We practice our shadow work intentionally & with reverence. We ground ourselves in a pillar of light to illuminate the path.

For we do not go into the darkness to create more darkness — but to shine a light of truth to know, to see, to forgive, to heal, to love.

Shadow work is the doorway to create more light.

For the leader, the healer, the human who is not afraid to go into the dark — is the one who is not afraid of being guided by the light, the one not afraid of living in the light, the one not afraid of becoming that light.



This is the type of work that will change the trajectory of your life forever.

It is for the human with an undying devotion to live a wild, free, alive, soul-aligned path.

It’s work that asks you to go all the way down & into the valley floor to then ascend to the highest mountain peak.

This kind of work truly sculpts the ego with the blade of the soul. Carving & refining new boundless edges.

This work asks you to sit at the altar of integrity to realign the pillars of your life so they stack as truth.

Walking this path & emerging from it creates a palpable presence in every room.

It unlocks a power that creates an exhale of peace.

It creates a mind that can stand in any storm of doubt.

This is about uncovering the depths of your truth. What you stand for. The impact you’re here to make.

It’s a life force energy you cultivate that will have you blaze your own unique trail.

To live in a rich soil of depth.


Here are the tangible results —



The way I guide shadow work is through the body.

Your body is a living catalogue of your entire life experience. Every moment you have experienced on this earth is present inside your body. All of the joy, celebration, peace. All of the pain, the grief, the fear. Every moment vibrates in all of your cells whether you experience them consciously or not.

Embodiment or body-based healing is one of the most potent modalities to release trauma, heal your body & revitalize your entire system.

Our approach is going down & in first. We create a safer, braver environment to sit with & honor the shadows. We give them a voice, we allow the body to move & express. We then, rise up & out. This is where we forgive, alchemize & transcend this pain into power, into peace.

Other elements that support this embodiment work/body based healing that we use in our shadow work is intention setting, prayer, psychic channeling, altar work & integration practices.

Whether you choose to receive shadow work through group ceremony or 1:1 journey — the way the medicine will be delivered will remain the same . . . through the body.



As a Medicine Woman, shadow work is my bread & butter.

It is something I live & breathe. It’s the medicine that initiated me.

For me, my shadow work journey did not happen by choice — for the first shadow that knocked on my door to begin my life long journey of shadow work was dis-ease.

Dis-ease that impacts the body is one you cannot ignore. The suffering of the physical vessel creates an opportunity for curiosity & surrender if you let it.

After some time of accepting the suffering, I decided this darkness wouldn’t bury me — but shape me. A teacher I knew that would ultimately bring me into the light, but not before walking through its shadow first.

Dis-ease was the first shadow I danced with & was taught through. Since then, over 10 years later, I’ve learned how seek out my shadows.

Sexual trauma. Anti-racism & whiteness. Capitalism & greed. Fear, doubt, scarcity. Heteronormativity. Internalized homophobia. Divorce.

All teachers of darkness that brought me into greater light.



TIER 1 — Group Ceremony

When you say yes to Warrior Of The Heart Monthly Shadow Work Ceremonies, you’re committing to uncovering your brightest light. How? — Because your brightest light lives in the depths of your shadows.

Creating consistent, loving ceremony for your shadows — creates an environment to consciously process. Where tension, resistance & pain soften. Where you have the opportunity to slow down & honor all aspects of yourself. Where what desires to be released gets set free. Where you cultivate spaciousness to keep moving forward on your spiritual path with deeper clarity & intention.

Our group ceremony includes . . .

  • 90 min. Shadow Work Ceremony with Riona on May 30.

Live on May 30 at 3:00p PST. The timing of our ceremony is intentional. At the end of the month to honor the movement of the month & at the end of the day so there is plenty of time to integrate the movement of the ceremony.

  • Replay access for 3 weeks after ceremony.

For those who can’t make it live, we want to give you plenty of time to receive the potency of each ceremony based on your needs while also receiving the ceremony when the medicine is fresh.

  • Community support.

A big part of our live ceremony is connecting as community before & after our shadow work ritual practice. Having this kind of allyship when doing this work is deeply supportive.

  • Ceremony preparation & integration practices + resources.

    Before ceremony you will receive an email with preparation resources so you feel fully ready to step into ceremony. You will also receive an email after ceremony with integration practices to support you in integrating the work we do in ceremony.

Investment: $55



TIER 2 — 1:1 Journey

If you know you’re desiring to heal a big shadow experience than Warrior of the Heart 1:1 journey is for you. There are some experienes we go through that leave a big mark that deeply affect us. The 1:1 shadow work journey is an intimate container that gives full presence to you & the healing journey your mind, body & heart are asking for. Some bigger shadow experiences Riona supports her clients with are healing dis-ease, alchemizing (physical, emotional + sexual) trauma & transmuting grief.

The 1:1 journey includes . . .

  • Three months of 1:1 intimate guidance & support with Riona.

    This intentional amount of time will create spaciousness for deep healing & expansive transformation through shadow work.

  • 2x 75 min. ceremonies a month over Zoom.

    These ceremonies will be held on a bi-weekly basis. Elements of our ceremonies include intention setting, embodiment (movement, vocal activation, somatics), psychic channeling, altar work, journaling & more.

  • The support of sacred plant medicine, Cacao.

A blessed bag of ceremonial Cacao will be sent to you when beginning this journey. Riona will guide you over the three months to sit with, weave & receive this plant medicine for your greater healing. Cacao is a gentle plant medicine that softens & opens the heart. It pairs perfectly with a journey like this. For more on Cacao, listen to this podcast episode with Riona.

  • Integration support in between ceremonies.

In between ceremonies we will use a free app, Telegram, to send voice note & text messages. This is an open space to share, reflect, ask questions & receive support/guidance.

  • Integration resources & practices.

Based on your journey of shadow work, Riona will curate a unique set of integration resources & practices for you in between each ceremony.

1:1 Journey Price:

Payment Plan Option 1: $333 USD/month for 5 months

Payment Plan Option 2: $555 USD/month for 3 months

Pay in Full Option: $1,665 USD

Client love.